Campo Santa Marina



city map
Campo Santa Marina >Case a schiera / housing Palazzo Castelli Palazzo Zacco Palazzo Marcello Pindemonte Aldobrandini Castello 6058 Palazzo Pisani Palazzo Dolfin
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The place in the Sestiere of Castello is named after a church that was destroyed around 1820, although having been restored still in 1804. Instead of the church, which ich visible on the map of Venice attributed to Jacopo de Barbari, a housing block, now containing a hotel, was erected. On the southern end and formally separated by a high arch, typical venetian serial housing (case a schiera) commissioned by the Marcello family. In the northwest, bordering the the Rio di S. Marina, a highly interesting gothic house, presumably from the 14th century. The northern side of the Campo Santa Marina is formed by the Palazzo Dolfin, albeit disfigured by the destruction of its gothic window framings. A smaller and much neglected renaissance palace in the west currently underwents a necessary restoration.


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