Bragadin Soranzo Cappello Palace


Venice: Palazzo Bragadin Soranzo Cappello - 38 kB

General remarks:

Date:16th century
Address:Santa Croce 770
Current use:Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e per il paesaggio per le province di Venezia, Belluno, Padova e Treviso
Overview map:locate


In 2003, the palazzo on the Rio Marin including the building adjacent on the left was renovated and made the new headquarter of the State Office for Historical Monuments of Venice and the Veneto. Behind the voluminous building and towards the near Palazzo Gradenigo a San Simeon Grande, remains of a once famous garden, pictured by Vincenzo Maria Coronelli in the 18th century, can still be found today.
The palace architecture is based on the traditional forms, which becomes especially evident when the façade is compared to Palazzo Cappello a San Antonin from nearly the same time. Although the terminating pediment suggests the existence of a raised portego, an additional storey is behind the round arch of the central serliana. A similar gables once existed at Palazzo Pisani a S. Stefano before Frigimelica added another piano nobile, and the destroyed Palazzo Valier. The staircase is located in the left wing. Sansovino and Stringa especially highlight the costruttura and marmi of the interior, which are lost except few decorative elements uncovered during the last restoration.

Related buildings


Bassi (1976) pp. 436, 566

External resources


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Venice architecture - palaces

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